Abad Tonel Pars Company was founded in 2010 as one of the subsidiaries of Abad Rahan Pars International Group. This company with years of experience in the fields of design and construction of all forms of transport tunnels in road, highway, freeway and railway projects, is one of the leading companies in this field. It means that clients can draw on the company’s experience in construction of tunnels, across various ground conditions – whether soft ground, hard rock, or mixed face – in big cities, active seismic areas, mountain passes and under bodies of water.
In the construction of the different tunnels, this company uses the different tunneling methods like as cut and cover method, sequential excavation method (NATM), and drill and blast method. Abad Tonel Pars Company has special machinery and equipment for tunneling such as road header, drum cutter, and jumbo drill.